Friday, March 27, 2009

Live Through This and You Won't Look Back

Ahoy, mateys!

Tomorrow, I embark on a whirlwind tour of Europe. 19 days, 5 countries, 6 cities. I could not be more excited. Or terrified. I'm traveling with 4 friends that I met here on exchange and it's going to be an amazing experience.

We're hitting London first, and Meggo has graciously offered to put us up for the four nights we're there. I'm really lucky that she's in London this semester, because not only is it going to be great to see her (and Kevin!) but she has also agreed to show us the sights and take us to all the cool insider places that only someone living in London could know about.

Here's our schedule from there on out:

1 April: to Berlin!
4 April: Prague
7 April: Cesky Krumlov (which, our sources say, is the new Prague)
8 April: Vienna (for coffee and chocolate cake)
12 April: Budapest (hot springs, here we come!)

This trip has been in the works for a LONG time, so I'm thrilled it's all really happening. I can't express how absolutely lucky I am to have the means to do this much traveling while I'm over here. Hopefully spring really is here and the weather will be lovely.

While I'll probably be checking in here and there, I won't be taking my laptop with me so the likelihood of any real updates happening in the next few weeks is slim. I WILL, however, be updating you up the wazoo when I return, so there's something to look forward to. Additionally, if anyone is interested in seeing ALL of my photos when I get home, let me know. I'll happily show you all of the ones I've taken but not posed, though it will probably take us about a month to get through them all.

I'm also really psyched that my parents will be visiting right after I get back from my trip! I can't wait to show them all the lovely sights of Glasgow. After spending so much time away, it'll be so nice to get to wander around the city again. It will also be nice to see some familiar faces. Constantly meeting new people and making friends takes its toll! I'm excited to spend some time with people who ALREADY know me! Speaking of people who know me, now is your chance to give my parents all the presents/care packages that you want to send me ;)

Where, you might ask, do I have room for class in all of this? Well I am DONE with classes, and I have 3 exams to go before my semester in Glasgow is really over. My exams in April are not going to be so great, considering that I am going to have approximately 2 days to get ready for each of them. But then I have nearly 3 weeks to prepare for my last exam at the end of May. And then home I come. Time is going by so quickly here it's unbelievable. I'm used to short semesters because Middlebury has 12 week semesters as well, but this is something entirely different. Whenever I think about coming home, I want to dig my heels in and stop time from moving so quickly. Of course I miss everyone from home, and I look forward to heading back to Midd in the fall. It's just terrifying how little time I have left here, considering that the first three months FLEW by without me even noticing. Which is obviously a good thing, because it means I'm having a good time here. But still, I wish classes weren't over and that I wasn't getting so close to coming home. It's going to be really hard to leave all the people I've met here.

So, I'll leave you with all my love and affection. To prove this, I am attaching a video of Joshua Radin performing Closer at King Tuts Wah Wah Hut last Friday night. No, your eyes do not deceive you, I really was front row center. He smiled at me during Vegetable Car. I'm kind of a big deal.


Anonymous said...

Have a great trip.


aves said...

GRACE! I've been loving your updates--just wanted to let you know. I hope your trip is FABULOUS. Let me know how Budapest is especially...did I tell you I'm studying abroad there next fall? I miss and love you!

Unknown said...

Finally got caught up with your blog. LOVE hearing about your travels. Hope you are enjoying the europe fling. We are all wel and griowing old here in Pittsburgh!

Unknown said...

we also can't type...think i'll have another drink before dinner...

Jessie said...

I keep trying to get into stars but I just don't like them that much. Hm...